Source code for fullDiff

from collections import namedtuple
from copy import deepcopy
from semDiff import compareNetwork, compareEntities
from utils.schema2context import generate_context_mapping, generate_labels_from_contexts
from utils.prepare_fulldiff_input import load_context

[docs]class FullSemDiff: """ A class that computes the coverage at entity level and extracts 'semantic synonyms' (named twins in the code) between two network. It will then compute the coverage at attribute level between 'semantic synonyms'. """
[docs] def __init__(self, contexts, network_1, network_2): """ The class constructor :param contexts: an array containing the two context networks to use :param network_1: a dictionary containing the first set of schemas :param network_2: a dictionary containing the second set of schemas """ self.total_entities = 0 self.half_twins = 0 self.twins = [] self.needs_merging = {} twin_tuple = namedtuple('Twins', ['first_entity', 'second_entity']) twin_coverage = namedtuple('TwinCoverage', ['twins', 'overlap']) # Compute the comparison of entities based on their semantic type entity_coverage = compareNetwork.NetworkCoverage(contexts) # for each mapped entity for entity_name in entity_coverage.covered_entities: self.total_entities += 1 twins = entity_coverage.covered_entities[entity_name] # if the entity has twins if twins is not None and entity_name.lower() + "_schema.json" in network_1.keys(): entity_schema = network_1[entity_name.lower() + "_schema.json"] entity_context = {"@context": contexts[0][entity_name.lower() + "_schema.json"]} # For each twin for twin in twins: if twin.lower() + "_schema.json" in network_2.keys(): self.half_twins += 1 twin_schema = network_2[twin.lower() + "_schema.json"] twin_context = {"@context": contexts[1][twin.lower() + "_schema.json"]} local_twin = twin_tuple(entity_name, twin) # compare the entities attribute_diff = compareEntities.EntityCoverage(entity_schema, entity_context, twin_schema, twin_context) # create the tuple attribute_coverage = twin_coverage(local_twin, attribute_diff.full_coverage) # adds it to output self.twins.append(attribute_coverage) if len(attribute_diff.unmatched_with_sem) > 0: self.needs_merging[twin.lower() + "_schema.json"] = {} self.needs_merging[twin.lower() + "_schema.json"]['fields'] = [] for semantic_url in attribute_diff.unmatched_with_sem: field = attribute_diff.unmatched_with_sem[semantic_url] self.needs_merging[twin.lower() + "_schema.json"]['merge_with'] = \ entity_name.lower() + "_schema.json" self.needs_merging[twin.lower() + "_schema.json"][ 'fields'].append(field[0])
[docs]class FullSemDiffMultiple: """ A class that computes the coverage at entity level and extracts 'semantic synonyms' (named twins in the code) between multiple networks. It will then compute the coverage at attribute level between 'semantic synonyms'. """
[docs] def __init__(self, networks): self.networks = deepcopy(networks) self.contexts = [] self.output = [] self.ready_for_merge = [] for network in self.networks: self.contexts.append(network["contexts"]) self.compute_overlap()
def compute_overlap(self, start_position=0): local_overlap = [] for i in range(start_position + 1, len(self.networks)): contexts = [self.networks[start_position]["contexts"], self.networks[i]["contexts"]] coverage = FullSemDiff(contexts, self.networks[start_position]["schemas"], self.networks[i]["schemas"]) local_overlap.append(coverage.twins) if len(coverage.needs_merging) > 0: self.ready_for_merge.append(coverage.needs_merging) if len(local_overlap) > 0: self.output.append(local_overlap) if start_position < len(self.networks): self.compute_overlap(start_position + 1)
[docs]class FullDiffGenerator: """ A Full Diff Generator that use regex to recompose context files URLS. It then resolves the two given networks of schemas and the two given networks of contexts, then proceeds to the actual comparison """
[docs] def __init__(self, first_network, second_network): """ :param first_network: the first network to compare from :type first_network: dict :param second_network: the second network to compare against :type second_network: dict """ network_1_resolved = generate_context_mapping(first_network['url'], first_network['regex']) raw_context_1 = { 'contexts': network_1_resolved[0] } context_1 = load_context(raw_context_1) network_2_resolved = generate_context_mapping(second_network['url'], second_network['regex']) raw_context_2 = { 'contexts': network_2_resolved[0] } context_2 = load_context(raw_context_2) labels = generate_labels_from_contexts(context_1, {}) labels = generate_labels_from_contexts(context_2, labels) prepared_input = [ { "name": first_network['name'], "schemas": network_1_resolved[1], "contexts": context_1 }, { "name": second_network['name'], "schemas": network_2_resolved[1], "contexts": context_2 } ] overlaps = FullSemDiffMultiple(prepared_input) self.json = { "network1": overlaps.networks[0], "network2": overlaps.networks[1], "overlaps": overlaps.output[0][0], "labels": labels } if len(overlaps.ready_for_merge) > 0: self.json["fields_to_merge"] = overlaps.ready_for_merge[0]