Source code for miflowcyt_validate

import requests
import xmljson
import xml.etree.ElementTree as elemTree
from json import dump, load
import os
import jsonbender
from validate.jsonschema_validator import validate_instance

[docs]class FlowRepoClient: """ A class that provides functionality to download experiments from the FlowRepository (, transform the XML into JSON and validate the instances against their schema. The transformation from XML to JSON relies on the JSONBender library ( """ def __init__(self, mapping, base_schema, client_id): """ The class constructor Args: mapping (dict): the mapping dictionary containing the jsonbender objects (see base_schema: the name of the schema to check against """ self.errors = {} self.clientID = client_id self.MAPPING = self.get_mapping(mapping) self.base_schema = base_schema
[docs] def make_validation(self, number_of_items): """ Method to run the mapping for the given number of items Args number_of_items (int): the number of items to process Returns errors (dict): a dictionary containing the list of errors for all processed items """ content_ids = self.get_user_content_id(self.clientID) if isinstance(content_ids, Exception): return Exception else: try: for i in range(number_of_items): response = self.grab_experiment_from_api(self.clientID, content_ids[i]) if response.status_code == 401: return Exception("client " + self.clientID + " does not have access to " + content_ids[i]) elif response.status_code == 404: return Exception("Item " + content_ids[i] + " could not be found") else: experience_metadata = response.text)))["public-experiments"]["experiment"] extracted_json = jsonbender.bend(self.MAPPING, experience_metadata) if extracted_json['organization'] == "\n ": extracted_json['organization'] = {} validation = self.validate_instance_from_file(extracted_json, content_ids[i], self.base_schema) self.errors[content_ids[i]] = validation except IndexError: return Exception("The number of available items is inferior to the number you " "ask for")
[docs] @staticmethod def grab_user_content(client_identifier): """ Grab all content for a given user ID as an XML and outputs it as a JSON. This method will grab all public experiments plus those only accessible to the user ID. Args: client_identifier: the user ID Returns response the dictionary containing the XML """ full_url = "" + client_identifier response = requests.request("GET", full_url) return response
[docs] def get_user_content_id(self, client_identifier): """ Return all IDs found in the user content XML :param client_identifier: the user content ID :return: a list of all IDs there were identified in the variable returned by the API """ ids = [] response = self.grab_user_content(client_identifier) if response.status_code == 404: return Exception("Verify your client ID (" + client_identifier + ")") else: user_data = for experiment in user_data['public-experiments']['experiment']: ids.append(experiment['id']) return ids
[docs] @staticmethod def grab_experiment_from_api(client_identifier, item_identifier): """ Retrieve the experimental metadata and return it as a python object :param client_identifier: the client identifier (apiKey) :param item_identifier: the item identifier that should be retrieved :return: the python object obtained from the XML """ full_url = "" \ + item_identifier \ + "?client=" \ + client_identifier try: response = requests.request("GET", full_url) return response except Exception: return Exception(item_identifier + 'could not be found on the server')
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_instance_from_file(instance, item_id, schema_name): """ Method to output the extracted JSON into a file and validate it against the given schema :param instance: the instance to output into a file :param item_id: the instance ID needed to create the file name :param schema_name: the schema to check against :return errors: a list of fields that have an error for this instance """ try: file_name = item_id + '.json' file_full_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../tests/data/MiFlowCyt/" + file_name) with open(file_full_path, 'w') as outfile: dump(instance, outfile) outfile.close() errors = validate_instance( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../tests/data/MiFlowCyt/"), schema_name, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../tests/data/MiFlowCyt/"), file_name, 1, {}) return errors except FileNotFoundError: return Exception("Please provide a valid schema")
[docs] @staticmethod def get_mapping(mapping_file_name): """ Build the mapping dictionary based on the given mapping file :param mapping_file_name: the name of the mapping file :return mapping: the mapping of the fields """ try: mapping = {} with open(mapping_file_name) as mapping_var: raw_mapping = load(mapping_var) mapping_var.close() # For each mapped field in the mapping file for mapped_item in raw_mapping: # if the value of the field is a string if isinstance(raw_mapping[mapped_item], str): mapping[mapped_item] = jsonbender.OptionalS(raw_mapping[mapped_item]) # if the value of the field is an object elif isinstance(raw_mapping[mapped_item], object): # Raise an error if a value/option is missing if 'value' not in raw_mapping[mapped_item] or \ ('benderOption' not in raw_mapping[mapped_item]): raise Exception("The mapping file is missing a value or the bender option " "for " + mapped_item) else: if raw_mapping[mapped_item]['benderOption'] == "default": mapping[mapped_item] = \ jsonbender.OptionalS(raw_mapping[mapped_item]['value']) elif raw_mapping[mapped_item]['benderOption'] == "raiseErrors": mapping[mapped_item] = jsonbender.S(raw_mapping[mapped_item]['value']) elif raw_mapping[mapped_item]['benderOption'] == "simple": mapping[mapped_item] = jsonbender.K(raw_mapping[mapped_item]['value']) elif raw_mapping[mapped_item]['benderOption'] == "inject": mapping[mapped_item] = jsonbender.F(raw_mapping[mapped_item]['value']) return mapping except FileNotFoundError: return Exception("Mapping file wasn't found")