1. Utilities for semantic comparison of JSON-LD-schemas

class compareEntities.EntityCoverage(schema_a, context_a, schema_b, context_b)[source]

A class that compute the overlap between two JSON schemas semantic values taken from context files. This operation is not commutative. Thus, to find out if the schema/context pairs are equivalent, we need to run both semDiff(s_a, c_a, s_b, c_b) and semDiff(s_b, c_b, s_a, c_a)

  • schema_a – the content of the first schema
  • context_a – the context content bound to the first schema
  • schema_b – the content of the second schema
  • context_b – the context content bound to the second schema
class compareNetwork.NetworkCoverage(networks_array)[source]

This class compute the coverage of entities (schemas) among two networks (set of schemas) by comparing the semantic base type of each schema. :param networks_array: an array containing the two networks to compare

class fullDiff.FullSemDiff(contexts, network_1, network_2)[source]

A class that computes the coverage at entity level and extracts ‘semantic synonyms’ (named twins in the code). It will then compute the coverage at attribute level between ‘semantic synonyms’.

class mergeEntities.EntityMerge(schema1, context1, schema2, context2)[source]

A class that merge two schemas based on their semantic annotations