Source code for client

import requests
import json
import os
import time
import datetime
import urllib.parse


[docs]class CEDARClient: """ A client for the CEDAR API """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def get_headers(api_key): """ Method to build the HTTP request header :param api_key: (str) the API Key to your CEDAR account :return: (dict) the HTTP headers """ headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "apiKey " + api_key, "Cache-Control": "no-cache" } return headers
[docs] @staticmethod def select_endpoint(server_type): """ Method to select the server (prod or dev) :param server_type: (str) the type of server to select :return: (str) the URL corresponding to the selected server """ if server_type == "staging": return STAGING_RESOURCE_API_ENDPOINT elif server_type == "production": return RESOURCE_API_ENDPOINT
[docs] @staticmethod def post(url, parameter, headers, directory): """ Method to post data to the CEDAR selected server and log the process :param url: (str) the URL to the selected server :param parameter: (dict) parameters of the HTTP request :param headers: (dict) the header required by the HTTP request :param directory: (str) the directory where to saved the log file """ log_file = os.path.join(directory, "log.txt") with open(log_file, 'a') as log: directory_files = os.listdir(directory) log.write("\n**** Start upload ****\n") start = time.time() for cedar_file in directory_files: with open(cedar_file, 'rb') as f: json_data = r =, params=parameter, data=json_data, headers=headers) # log information request_time = time.time() - start log.write("\n") cur_time = "Current time: " + str( + "\n" log.write(cur_time) response = cedar_file + "\n\t" + str(r.status_code).encode('utf-8') + ": " \ + r.reason + "\n\t" + str(request_time) + "\n\t" \ + str(r.url.encode('utf-8')) + "\n" log.write(response) resp_headers = "Headers: " + str(r.request.headers).encode('utf-8') + "\n\n" log.write(resp_headers) try: resp_text = "Text: " + str(r.text).encode('utf-8') + "\n\n\n" except UnicodeEncodeError: resp_text = "text failed to encode \n\n\n" log.write(resp_text) print(cur_time + response + resp_headers + resp_text) end = time.time() elapsed = end - start elapsed_message = "\nElapsed time: " + str(elapsed) + "\n" log.write(elapsed_message) log.write("\n**** Finish upload ****\n") print(elapsed_message)
[docs] def get_users(self, endpoint_type, api_key): """ Method to get all users from the server :param endpoint_type: (str) url to the CEDAR selected server :param api_key: (str) your CEDAR user API key :return: (dict) a request response """ headers = self.get_headers(api_key) endpoint = self.select_endpoint(endpoint_type) response = requests.request("GET", endpoint+"/users", headers=headers) return response
[docs] def validate_resource(self, api_key, request_url, resource): """ Method to validate a resource against the server :param api_key: (str) your CEDAR user API key :param request_url: (str) the URL to run the validation from :param resource: (dict) the resource to validate :return: (dict) a request response """ headers = self.get_headers(api_key) response = requests.request("POST", request_url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(resource), verify=True) return response
[docs] def validate_template(self, server_alias, api_key, template): """ Method to validate a CEDAR template :param server_alias: (str) the URL to run the validation from :param api_key: (str) your CEDAR user API key :param template: (dict) the resource to validate as a template :return: (dict) a request response """ request_url = self.select_endpoint(server_alias)+"/command/validate?resource_type=template" return self.validate_resource(api_key, request_url, template)
[docs] def validate_element(self, server_alias, api_key, element): """ Method to validate a CEDAR template element :param server_alias: (str) the URL to run the validation from :param api_key: (str) your CEDAR user API key :param element: (dict) the resource to validate as a template :return: (dict) a request response """ request_url = self.select_endpoint(server_alias)+"/command/validate?resource_type=element" return self.validate_resource(api_key, request_url, element)
[docs] def validate_instance(self, server_address, api_key, instance): """ Method to validate a JSON instance against the corresponding resource on CEDAR :param server_address: (str) the CEDAR server URL :param api_key: (str) your CEDAR user API key :param instance: (dict) the resource to validate as an instance :return: (dict) a request response """ request_url = server_address + "/command/validate?resource_type=instance" return self.validate_resource(api_key, request_url, instance)
[docs] def upload_resource(self, api_key, request_url, resource): """ Upload the given resource to the CEDAR server :param api_key: (str) your CEDAR user API key :param request_url: (str) the CEDAR server URL to post to :param resource: (dict) the resource to upload :return: (dict) a response text loaded as a dictionary """ headers = self.get_headers(api_key) response = requests.request("POST", request_url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(resource), verify=True) if response.status_code == return json.loads(response.text) else: response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def get_template_content(self, endpoint_type, api_key, template_id): """ Get the content of a CEDAR template :param endpoint_type: (str) the type of server to prompt :param api_key: (str) your CEDAR user API key :param template_id: (str) the CEDAR target template's ID :return: (dict) a request response """ headers = self.get_headers(api_key) request_url = self.select_endpoint(endpoint_type) \ + "/templates/" \ + template_id response = requests.request("GET", request_url, headers=headers) return response
[docs] def get_folder_content(self, endpoint_type, api_key, folder_id): """ Get the content of a folder from CEDAR :param endpoint_type: (str) the type of server to prompt :param api_key: (str) your CEDAR user API key :param folder_id: (str) the CEDAR target folder's ID :return: (dict) a request response """ headers = self.get_headers(api_key) request_url = self.select_endpoint(endpoint_type) \ + "/folders/" + folder_id response = requests.request("GET", request_url, headers=headers) return response
[docs] def create_template(self, endpoint_type, api_key, folder_id, template_file): """ Post a new schema to the selected folder id :param endpoint_type: (str) the type of server to prompt :param api_key: (str) your CEDAR user API key :param folder_id: (str) the CEDAR target folder's ID :param template_file: (str) the CEDAR target template's ID :return: (dict) a request response """ headers = self.get_headers(api_key) request_url = self.select_endpoint(endpoint_type) \ + "/templates?" + folder_id upload_schema = json.loads(template_file) response = requests.request("POST", request_url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(upload_schema), verify=True) return response
[docs] def create_folder(self, endpoint_type, api_key, target_folder_id, new_folder_name, new_folder_description): """ Create a folder with new_folder_name in the target_folder_id location :param endpoint_type: (str) the type of server to prompt :param api_key: (str) your CEDAR user API key :param target_folder_id: (str) he CEDAR target folder's ID where the new folder will be created :param new_folder_name: (str) the new folder name to create :param new_folder_description: (str) the new folder description to create :return: (dict) a request response """ headers = self.get_headers(api_key) request_url = self.select_endpoint(endpoint_type) + '/folders' folder_json = { "folderId": ""+target_folder_id, "name": new_folder_name, "description": new_folder_description } response = requests.request("POST", request_url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(folder_json), verify=True) return response
[docs] def delete_folder(self, endpoint_type, api_key, folder_id): """ Delete a given folder from the server :param endpoint_type: (str) the type of server to prompt :param api_key: (str) your CEDAR user API key :param folder_id: (str) the CEDAR target folder's ID :return: (dict) a request response """ headers = self.get_headers(api_key) requests_url = self.select_endpoint(endpoint_type) \ + "/folders/" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(folder_id) response = requests.request("DELETE", requests_url, headers=headers) return response
[docs] def create_template_element(self, endpoint_type, api_key, folder_id, template_resource): """ Create a new template element on the given server :param endpoint_type: (str) the type of server to prompt :param api_key: (str) your CEDAR user API key :param folder_id: (str) the CEDAR target folder's ID :param template_resource: (dict) the resource to post :return: (dict) a request response """ headers = self.get_headers(api_key) request_url = self.select_endpoint(endpoint_type) \ + "/template-elements?" \ + folder_id with open(template_resource, 'r') as template: upload_schema = json.load(template) response = requests.request("POST", request_url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(upload_schema), verify=True) return response
[docs] def update_template(self, endpoint_type, api_key, template_file): """ Update the content of template_file into the selected template :param endpoint_type: (str) "staging" or "production" :param api_key: (str) your CEDAR user API key :param template_file: (str) the full path to a local template JSON file :return: (dict) a request response """ headers = self.get_headers(api_key) with open(template_file, 'r') as template: upload_schema = json.load(template) template_id = upload_schema['@id'].replace( '', '') request_url = self.select_endpoint(endpoint_type) \ + "/templates/" + template_id response = requests.request("PUT", request_url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(upload_schema), verify=True) return response
[docs] def upload_element(self, server_alias, api_key, schema_file, remote_folder_id): """ Upload a template element to the server :param server_alias: (str) the type of server to prompt :param api_key: (str) your CEDAR user API key :param schema_file: (str) the full path to a local template element JSON file :param remote_folder_id: (str) the CEDAR target folder's ID :return: (dict) a request response """ request_url = self.select_endpoint(server_alias) \ + "/template-elements?folder_id=" + remote_folder_id return self.upload_resource(api_key, request_url, schema_file)