Source code for utility

import json
import falcon
import requests
import datetime

from jsonschema.validators import Draft4Validator, RefResolver

from utils.compile_schema import resolve_schema_references, get_name, resolve_reference
from utils.schema2context import resolve_network, process_schema_name, create_context_template
from utils.prepare_fulldiff_input import resolve_network as fast_resolver
from semDiff.fullDiff import FullSemDiff
from semDiff.mergeEntities import EntityMerge

[docs]class StorageEngine(object): """ This class is the middle layer that binds the API calls to the actual python code """ def __init__(self): self.cached_requests = { "resolved_network": {}, "create_context": {}, "create_full_sem_diff": {}, "validate_schema": {}, "validate_network": {}, "validate_instance": {} }
[docs] def resolve_network(self, schema): """ Resolves all references of a given schema :param schema: a json containing the schema_url attribute :type schema: dict :return: the resolved network """ processed_schemas = {} schema_url = schema['schema_url'] if schema_url not in self.cached_requests["resolved_network"].keys(): processed_schemas[get_name(schema_url)] = '#' resolved_network = resolve_schema_references(resolve_reference(schema_url), processed_schemas, schema_url) self.cached_requests["resolved_network"][schema_url] = {} self.cached_requests["resolved_network"][schema_url]['schema'] = resolved_network self.cached_requests["resolved_network"][schema_url][ 'timestamp'] = return json.dumps(resolved_network, indent=4) else: return json.dumps(self.cached_requests["resolved_network"][ schema_url]['schema'], indent=4)
[docs] def create_context(self, user_input): """ Resolve a network a creates the associated context files templates :param user_input: a dict that should contain a "schema_url" and a "vocab" attributes. vocab should contain the ontology names as keys and their base URL as value :type user_input: dict :return: a dict containing the context files of all schema in the network and for all given vocabulary """ if 'schema_url' not in user_input.keys(): raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_400, "Query error, no schema url was provided") elif 'vocab' not in user_input.keys() \ or type(user_input["vocab"]) != dict or \ not len(user_input['vocab']) > 0: raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_400, "Query error, no vocabulary was provided ") else: output = {} network = resolve_network(user_input["schema_url"]) for semantic_type in user_input['vocab']: output[semantic_type] = {} for schema in network.keys(): schema_name = process_schema_name(network[schema]['id']).lower() local_context = create_context_template(network[schema], user_input['vocab'], schema_name) for vocab_name in local_context: output[vocab_name][schema_name] = local_context[vocab_name] return json.dumps(output, indent=4)
[docs] def create_full_sem_diff(self, user_input): """ Compares two networks based on their semantics values :param user_input: a dictionary containing the network_1, network_2 and a mapping of all schemas to their context files :type user_input: dict :return: a list of siblings """ sem_diff = FullSemDiff(user_input['mapping'], user_input['network_1'], user_input['network_2']) return json.dumps(sem_diff.twins, indent=4)
[docs] def validate_schema(self, user_input): """ Validate a schema against its draft using Draft4Validator :param user_input: a schema URL :type user_input: basestring :return: a string that give information on whether the schema is valid or not (should return a boolean or a dict containing both variables) """ try: validation = Draft4Validator.check_schema(json.loads(requests.get(user_input).text)) if validation is not None: return json.dumps(validation, indent=4) else: return json.dumps("You schema is valid") except Exception: return json.dumps("Problem loading the schema " + user_input)
[docs] def validate_network(self, user_input): """ Resolves a network and validates all of its schemas using Draft4Validator :param user_input: a schema URL :type user_input: basestring :return: a dictionary of all schemas with a string that give information on whether the schema is valid or not """ validation = {} schema_url = user_input resolved_network = fast_resolver(schema_url) for schema in resolved_network.keys(): local_validation = Draft4Validator.check_schema(resolved_network[schema]) if local_validation is not None: validation[schema] = local_validation else: validation[schema] = "This schema is valid" return json.dumps(validation, indent=4)
[docs] def validate_instance(self, user_input): """ Validates an instance against a schema :param user_input: a dictionary containing the schema_url and instance_url attributes :type user_input: dict :return: a validation str or a list of errors """ try: schema_url = user_input['schema_url'] instance_url = user_input['instance_url'] schema = requests.get(schema_url) instance = requests.get(instance_url) if schema.status_code != 200: raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_400, "verifiy your URL ", schema_url) elif instance.status_code != 200: raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_400, "verifiy your URL ", instance_url) else: try: resolver = RefResolver(schema_url, schema, {}) drafter = Draft4Validator(json.loads(schema.text), resolver=resolver) errors_array = sorted(drafter.iter_errors(json.loads(instance.text)), key=lambda e: e.path) errors = {} for i in range(len(errors_array)): errors[i] = errors_array[i].message if len(errors) > 0: return json.dumps(errors, indent=4) else: return json.dumps("Your json is valid") except Exception: raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_400, "Malformed JSON, " "please verify your schema and your instance") except requests.RequestException as e: raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_400, "Problem loading your schema or your instance: ", str(e))
[docs] def merge_entities(self, user_input): """ Merge two given schemas :param user_input: contains the two schemas URL to merge :type user_input: dict ({schema_ulr_1; schema_url_2}) :return: a merged schema """ try: # TODO: HANDLE 404 schema_1 = json.loads(requests.get(user_input["schema_url_1"]).text) schema_2 = json.loads(requests.get(user_input["schema_url_2"]).text) context_1 = json.loads(requests.get(user_input["context_url_1"]).text) context_2 = json.loads(requests.get(user_input["context_url_2"]).text) merged_schema = EntityMerge(schema_1, context_1, schema_2, context_2) return json.dumps({ "mergedSchema": merged_schema.output_schema, "mergedContext": merged_schema.output_context }) except Exception as e: return json.dumps("There is a problem with one of your schema or context: " + str(e))
""" class StorageError(Exception): @staticmethod def handle(ex, req, resp, params): description = ('Sorry, couldn\'t write your thing to the ' 'database. It worked on my box.') raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_725, 'Database Error', description) class SinkAdapter(object): engines = { 'ddg': '', 'y': '', } def __call__(self, req, resp, engine): url = self.engines[engine] params = {'q': req.get_param('q', True)} result = requests.get(url, params=params) resp.status = str(result.status_code) + ' ' + result.reason resp.content_type = result.headers['content-type'] resp.body = result.text class AuthMiddleware(object): def process_request(self, req, resp): token = req.get_header('Authorization') account_id = req.get_header('Account-ID') challenges = ['Token type="Fernet"'] if token is None: description = ('Please provide an auth token ' 'as part of the request.') raise falcon.HTTPUnauthorized('Auth token required', description, challenges, href='') if not self._token_is_valid(token, account_id): description = ('The provided auth token is not valid. ' 'Please request a new token and try again.') raise falcon.HTTPUnauthorized('Authentication required', description, challenges, href='') def _token_is_valid(self, token, account_id): return True # Suuuuuure it's valid... class RequireJSON(object): def process_request(self, req, resp): if not req.client_accepts_json: raise falcon.HTTPNotAcceptable( 'This API only supports responses encoded as JSON.', href='') if req.method in ('POST', 'PUT'): if 'application/json' not in req.content_type: raise falcon.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType( 'This API only supports requests encoded as JSON.', href='') class JSONTranslator(object): # NOTE: Starting with Falcon 1.3, you can simply # use and for this instead. def process_request(self, req, resp): print( # corresponds to the WSGI wsgi.input environ variable, # and allows you to read bytes from the request body. # # See also: PEP 3333 if req.content_length in (None, 0): # Nothing to do return body = if not body: raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('Empty request body', 'A valid JSON document is required.') try: req.context['doc'] = json.loads(body.decode('utf-8')) except (ValueError, UnicodeDecodeError): raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_753, 'Malformed JSON', 'Could not decode the request body. The ' 'JSON was incorrect or not encoded as ' 'UTF-8.') ''' def process_response(self, req, resp, resource): print(resp) print(req) print(resource) if 'result' not in resp.context: return resp.body = json.dumps(resp.context['result']) ''' """